Tuesday 16 April 2013


As you can imagine I´m a Ballerina´s fan :-) !!

And as a fan, I got a hugh amount of...... Eventhough I´m not at home.....I still have a quite nice examples of my cute Ballerina collection ;-) 

You will see that some of them are a very cheap version... proof of my studies returning times, others very cools because of the material, they are made by a very unusual one, others an old fashion model that I keep since centuries ago and others a very damage ones because of the used but I´m not able to through them!! Why? Simple!! I LOVE them!

 1. "The cheap". Perfect to use them at any time without fear!

                     By Graceland

2. "The cool".  Surely, the best option for that crazy weather! Cos their material is a special plastic.
They are so quite and confortable! I love them!

                             By Melissa

Perfect to go with you.........to the end of the world :-)!

3. "The old fashion". I got them since I even don´t remember and I still keep them because I like their fabric pattern and their vintage air!!

                                                     By Bimba & Lola

4. "The damage". They are a gift that long time ago my sister gave me. I realize about how bad they look but I don´t mind!! Since that time I couldn´t find any similars so, I will keep them until I do ;-) .

                 By Zara

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