Sunday 17 March 2013

My LOVE for Ballerinas...

While I´m developing the final choice to get them ready to show you, I will explain you why that kind of shoes and not any other.

Ovbiously, the main reason is because I LOVE them!!
The begining of my love for them comes from centuries ago, when I was a kid. I used to wear them since I started to walk properly!! And since that time I never stop wearing them! My mum propably is the responsible of  that!! She was the one who decided what I had to wear and what I didn´t have to.Things weren´t as the way they are nowadays, where kids decide what to wear, what to eat, where to go... She was and she is (even if she is quite relaxed now ;-) a very disciplinaded mum and therefore she taught us discipline. Things must be done for the way and when she said. No excuses! Jaja....I can see her even if it was long time ago...

 And I understand now, how much reason she had!! I love her for that!!

That is the sentimental explanation and, the professional one, is because I deeply believe these shoes are timeless, tremendously confortable, very feminine and perfect to wear in any occasion. Who can ask for anything else? No one!


1 comment:

  1. lovely Victoria! I so enjoy reading your blog and I love your shoe design for your business card :)
