Saturday 16 March 2013

I´m back :-) !!

After a while, my dear friend, I´m back!!

During the time I was off, I have to say; I missed do it a lot!! I don´t know why but after starting the blog and start writing on it I feel so excited and I always want more and more. It´s quite addictive!
It can be because now I have a kind of invisible secret friend whom I feel relaxed enough to share confidences and illusions ;-)

 I was missing because I was working in my designs, on my sketchbook and in some paper workshops for my final project pieces!!Time passes too fast!! We are almost done with the College!!

During that time, I came out with another idea... for my business card :-) I know, I have to stop it!! and I already did it!! or I think so, I hope so. I´m not going to alow myself come out with any other idea!!

 Actually, that is the one I like more!! and the one that has more points to be my business card.

 I will show you some examples of that new idea ;-)

                            That is a setch of my new idea.

                           Developed sketches of the main idea.

                                 1                 2                 3
                  1. Just a ballerina shoe drawing on the paper card.
                  2. A ballerina silhoutte shoe as a card.
                  3. A hanging ballerina silhoutte shoe.

These are the examples I did. They are done by pencil for now but they will be painted in different shades of blue with a tiny detail in pink that I´m not going to tell you yet!



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