Monday 23 September 2013

They most important day, arrived!!

As the post title says, the most important moment of my holidays... ...., arrived!!

  "MY LOVELY  SISTER  WEDDIND"  It was awesome!!

 I have to say that I really loved sharing with her all the previous moments to the probably, the most important day of her life. I enjoyed each second of her enthusiasm and also I enjoyed each second of her nerves :-P but still I felt so happy for being there :-D.

These days passed so fast!!! Just organizing; going here and there, trying different hair styles, trying the dress.......the list never finished!! It was a busy time but probably necessary too.
It´s  amazing the huge amount of things you have to prepare and do and how fast the moment, day pass.

I think if that day have to come to my life....(I don´t really think it will) I would never do at that way. So much worries!!! Will people like that food? will be enough? will be that person happy to sit next to that other?......the questions never finish!

Fortunately, everything was wonderful and magic! 

               The lovely cake dolls. They were done by a friend!

                                                                 Just look at their faces!!


Daddy taking her to the church
                                        Mam, her and me

                                                            Cute one ;-)

          CONGRATULATION!!! And all the best wishes for that new family!!!

             I hope they start working to bring me a nephew soon :-P

Sunday 8 September 2013

Where to start....?

Where to start.....?? Yes,yes... That is actually a good question!

Well, maybe I should  start apologizing .....because I promise I would show you all the work done during the last semester and I did not :-(
I have to say it was a hard time for me. I was so mad trying to finish all my projects at the same time I was working in one of the busiest times ever at work.
After I managed to get my College done I felt I need a break, a break at HOME!. I felt the necessity of some care, family faces, sun, beach, good food....... So, as soon as I finished the College and the Fashion Show ended I run away.......HOME :-)!

I have done a quick photo selection to sum up the best moments lived at home during this summer break.
                     Just for you!  I hope you can feel a bit of what I felt through the pictures :-)!

                 First stop; Madrid     A cute "Nessie" gift for our first 
                                                   friend´s baby :-)

Some funny concerts :-P 


Girly chats at the seashore

The most typical and loved afternoon snack on the beach; "Sobrasada baguette" :-)
       The feeling of the melted sobrasada after all the day under the sun, is unexplained....

The magic of a sunrise from my hometown castle
                  "La Alcazaba"

Lovely views from the castle

                     Unbeatable flamenco concert in such a long time!
                               I brought you a bit of their art ;-)
                                     I hope you enjoy it!