Sunday 8 September 2013

Where to start....?

Where to start.....?? Yes,yes... That is actually a good question!

Well, maybe I should  start apologizing .....because I promise I would show you all the work done during the last semester and I did not :-(
I have to say it was a hard time for me. I was so mad trying to finish all my projects at the same time I was working in one of the busiest times ever at work.
After I managed to get my College done I felt I need a break, a break at HOME!. I felt the necessity of some care, family faces, sun, beach, good food....... So, as soon as I finished the College and the Fashion Show ended I run away.......HOME :-)!

I have done a quick photo selection to sum up the best moments lived at home during this summer break.
                     Just for you!  I hope you can feel a bit of what I felt through the pictures :-)!

                 First stop; Madrid     A cute "Nessie" gift for our first 
                                                   friend´s baby :-)

Some funny concerts :-P 


Girly chats at the seashore

The most typical and loved afternoon snack on the beach; "Sobrasada baguette" :-)
       The feeling of the melted sobrasada after all the day under the sun, is unexplained....

The magic of a sunrise from my hometown castle
                  "La Alcazaba"

Lovely views from the castle

                     Unbeatable flamenco concert in such a long time!
                               I brought you a bit of their art ;-)
                                     I hope you enjoy it!



1 comment:

  1. that is lovely Victoria, obviously good times! thank you for sharing :)
